Player Claiming

Your choice matters. But it is those you sit alongside that matter also. Choose wisely.

Professor Gaffer, Bootcamp Manual

Our NFT holders in our main collection hold a character in the MPL universe. These are the mint-pass to every experience in the Mars universe. The first of those experiences is the Martian Premier League, and you will have a chance to claim your player for the MPL Bootcamp. NFT holders will be able to claim a player on polygon (we will provide a guide for users new to this process) who is usable in the Martian Premier League. This allows us to conduct the majority of the MPL game on a L2 chain which will significantly reduce transaction costs for our users. You will receive an NFT in a new collection – MPL Bootcamp Players – which will have a different visual look but maintain a visual link to its origin NFT in the main collection. These NFTs are customisable through choice of kit, shoes, distribution of attributes and Bootcamp progression. We have designed these to be dynamically updatable on chain but for this phase your initial choice is final. FYI - Professor Gaffer has given our “god-like” players a special training kit. We know they like to flex (in yellow….).

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